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"In What Way Are You Corrupt?" Becomes SF Voters' Standard Question for Local Candidates

SF voters have preemptively ended their dream of having a single honest city official, and opted to screen each one by asking "In what way are you corrupt?" in all standard candidate questionairres. Answers will be scored from 1 to 10, with 1 being a basic campaign finance violation of $10k or less and 10 being setting up a non-profit to launder funds to portly city officials who like to eat. The scale is adjustable - and can go to 100 at least - depending on future FBI complaints, next week's papers and/or blog posts.
Recent posts

Mayor Endorses Vision Zero for Everything Except Corruption

Following in the long municipal traditional of Chicago, Detroit and Kabul, Mayor Breed announced today the creation of an independent Vision Zero task force made up of people whose salaries she pays. They are charged with rooting out "everything except how department heads get to put random subcontractors on city contracts. Vision Zero means 'nothing to see here' in San Francisco." In her keynote, she declared, "By 2025, I want to ensure that we don't just see zero, we collaboratively turn a blind eye."

Nuru Makes Pit Stop in County Jail

Mohammed Nuru, head of Public Works, took a hands-on approach to city transparency today by literally showing us how to make a Pit Stop: by getting arrested and sent to jail. His previous pit stops allegedly include: Broadway Grill, a farm in Colusa, Lefty's and a bank account he put in his daughter's name.

Hackers Retract City of SF Ransom After Only Finding Diversity & Inclusion Meeting Minutes

In an unusual twist, foreign hackers retracted their multi-million dollar ransom demands when they realized all the files they found were from city meetings on diversity & inclusion. Said one hacker who would only tell us his first name, Pavel, "Crazy talk. What is signature block and why it have pronouns??" Another said, "So many meetings. And they just say things that don't sound like English like, 'Let's partner to work together on metrics to be more inclusive and support more meetings and then meet on inclusion to discuss the partnership.'" Said Vlad, the lead hacker, "We can't accept money if that's what they do all day. So empty. No point."

Coronavirus Prompts SF Anti-Vaxers to Celebrate Diversity of Communicable Diseases

Fresh off getting the SF Science March canceled due to their presence, SF Ani-Vaxers are hosting a get together in the Richmond on Friday to celebrate the arrival of the coronavirus, the latest disease for which they will not inoculate themselves. Said the head of the Richmond chapter of "Flat Earthing & Head Sanding" -"We want to remind the world of the diversity of diseases we can spread & include as many oddly clad children as possible in our campaign to bring back the 14th century. We don't want to get typecast. This isn't just about measles."