SF voters have preemptively ended their dream of having a single honest city official, and opted to screen each one by asking "In what way are you corrupt?" in all standard candidate questionairres. Answers will be scored from 1 to 10, with 1 being a basic campaign finance violation of $10k or less and 10 being setting up a non-profit to launder funds to portly city officials who like to eat. The scale is adjustable - and can go to 100 at least - depending on future FBI complaints, next week's papers and/or Medium.com blog posts.
Sunday proved to be a day of broken shards from San Francisco to Hollywood as winds demolished a window in the ever-sinking Millennium Tower. The South Korean film, Parasite, proved to be just that to the Irishmen - and took home Best Picture for a movie no one has seen except the Oscar committee.