In a major step forward for the LGBTQ movement, SF Pride officials have announced they will, in fact, allow gays to participate in the June 2020 parade - even if they happen to be police officers from Alameda County. Said organizers, "See - there's so many of us now it's not like we need everyone on Market. We don't have to be so inclusive. With this surplus of gays, comes a caste system - with police officers as "the untouchables." We don't understand why a law enforcement officer would enforce a law, like evicting trespassers from private property, because if there's one thing we believe at SF Pride: your property ain't private in June."
Fresh off getting the SF Science March canceled due to their presence, SF Ani-Vaxers are hosting a get together in the Richmond on Friday to celebrate the arrival of the coronavirus, the latest disease for which they will not inoculate themselves. Said the head of the Richmond chapter of "Flat Earthing & Head Sanding" -"We want to remind the world of the diversity of diseases we can spread & include as many oddly clad children as possible in our campaign to bring back the 14th century. We don't want to get typecast. This isn't just about measles."
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